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Study Sessions/Workshops
Spectre of Madness : Alireza Taheri
Real Abstraction: The Conference
Real Abstraction: Roundtable
Philosophy and Memes Panel
Frankenstein and Philosophy
Sound Laboratory
Sound Lab Open Call
Posthuman Art Lab
Complex/Dynamic Systems Lab
Posthuman Lab
Intelligence/Computation Lab
Deep Objekt
Exhibition (Intelligence Unbound)
Intelligence Unbound_Artists
Virtual Space - O0cean
Posthuman Topologies
Panel: Posthuman Sound
Claire Jervert
Giusy Amoroso | Marigoldff
Galina Shevchenko
hannah neckel
Archival Presentations
Eunsol Lee/ Kimberly Lee
Felice Grodin-AdrienneRose Gionta
Exhibition (Xennoverse)
Posthuman Terrains
Lecture Performance
Exhibition (Limitrophy)
Exhibition: Sahej Rahal
Exhibition: Simin Azarpour Mehdi Rafie
Exhibition: Kaushik Varma
Exhibition: Hallidonto
Diagrams: Diane - Ash - Gerard
Alex Adkinson_Xennoverse
Text: Sabeen Chaudhry
Text: Reza Negarestani_Translation
Exhibition: Bochra Taboubi
Exhibition:Jessie-Jamz Ozaeta/Lil Lonely
Text: Hadi Bastani
Exhibition (Immutation)
Gerard Carson
Kiymet Dastan
Bassem Saad
Veda Thozhur Kolleri
Gagan Singh
Kiyana Boroumand
Sarah Fallah
Borna Radnik: Can Logic Be Temporal? A Presentation on Hegel’s Logic and Time
Shirine Saad: Freestyling Arab Apocalypse (Now): Decolonial Feminist and Queer Poethics After the End of the World
Sepideh Majidi: Intelligence - Love - Revolution: Open Call -
Maure Coise: Images of Music + Belief in Diagramming + Book Realism: Philosophy of the Library
Sami Khatib: Singularity, Genocide, and the Question of Palestine
Francesca Ferrando: The Art of Being Posthuman
Isabel Millar: Three Body Problem: Can the San-Ti Speak?
Amanda Beech: Althusser and the Image of Art: The role of consciousness for a propositional Art
David Roden: Nietzschean Hyperagents
Thomas Moynihan | The Death of Destiny: Or, How (Almost) Everything Became Contingent
Martin E. Rosenberg | Jazz Improvisation from I to WE: Examining the Emergence of Thought in Materialist Phenomenology and Panpsychism
Mattin: "Self-Abolition: Noise, Alienation & Freedom"
Irina Gheorghe: "Betraying the Senses: Techniques of Estrangement, or How to Speak of What Is Not There"
Borna Radnik: Hegel’s Philosophy of Right
Roberto Alonso Trillo & Marek Poliks: Non-Player Dynamics: Agency Fetish in Game-World
Deep Objekt [0]: Agency at the Computational Turn | Sepideh Majidi and Reza Negarestani (Framework For AI Research Group Open Call)
Keith Tilford: The Image and Intelligence and Images of Intelligence
David Roden's "Xenoerotics": A Panel Discussion
"Choreomata" Book Launch Panel: AI as Mass Performance
Jonathan Pugh and David Chandler: The World as Abyss
Ana María Guzmán Olmos: Absolute Difference. The Nature of Organization (Symposium: IU)
Stefan Lorenz Sorgner: On the Meaning, Relevance, and Possibility of Posthuman Leisure for the Arts
Danielle Knafo: Fifty Shades of Upgrade:The Existential Escapades of Sex-Tech (Symposium: I U)
Alexander Wilson: Exactly What a Zombie Would Say: An Ode to Disenchantment (Symposium: I U)
Sepideh Majidi: Intelligence Unbound: Navigating the Dynamics of Human-Posthuman Evolution
Isabel Millar: What is a Face? (Symposium: Intelligence Unbound)
David Roden: The End of Agency (Symposium: Intelligence Unbound)
Meeting with Natasha Vita-More - Pioneer of Transhumanism
Jing-Adel Wang: Shanshui Thought, Life Nourishment, and China’s Experimental Music
Alireza Taheri: Understanding Psychosis and Autism Through a Lacanian Lens
Martin E. Rosenberg: The Role of Metaphor (or Tropes more generally) in Trans-disciplinary Inquiry
Boris Lesnoy: "Opera alibretto: The virtues and pitfalls of joint sonification"
Mattin: "Deciphering Social Dissonance: Ideology, Noise, and Subjectivity"
Inigo Wilkins: Phantastic Sound and the Topos of Noise
Alexander Wilson: Kill Your Doubles
Workshop with David Roden: Sonic Art and Sonic Events
Reza Negarestani: A Case of a Critique of Critique: Boltzmann’s time-drift
Complexity-Probability-Posthumanism: Symposium and Laboratory (Framework by Sepideh Majidi)
Anna Longo: Probability and Decision Theory
Adam Berg: Beyond the Chronometric and the Temporal Divide
Martin E. Rosenberg: Investigating the Relationship between Sound & Time Through Jazz Improvisation
Sepideh Majidi: Collectivity and Ethics
Martin E. Rosenberg:"Cosmopolitics and Post-Human Aesthetics: The Case of Marcel Duchamp"
David Roden | Speculative and Unbounded Posthumanism
Ray Brassier | Posthuman Pragmatism: Selecting Power / The Human: From Subversion to Compulsion
Reza Negarestani:"The Time of a Scandal: Induction, Memory and Experience"
Adrian Johnston: "Monism and Mistakes: Schelling's 'Puzzle of All Puzzles'"
Stefan Lorenz Sorgner: “Philosophy of Posthuman Art”
Alireza Taheri: Psychoanalytic Topology
Study Group with Natasha Vita-More: Transhumanist Aesthetics: Exponential Systems for Life
All Posts
Study Groups
Reading Groups and Workshops
Artists Profiles
Foreign Objekt
Research Notes
Residents 2022
Residents 2021
Group 1_Residents 2022
Group 0_Residents 2022
Residents 2022_
Posthuman Intelligence
Posthuman Body
Posthuman Agency
Posthuman Ethics
Posthuman Aesthetics
Posthuman Spirituality
Computation - AI - AGI
Posthuman Ecology
Posthuman Performance
Posthuman Pedagogy
Posthuman Collectives
Complex Systems - Dynamic Systems
Projects_Posthuman Intelligence Lab
Projects_Posthuman Performance Lab
Projects_Posthuman Agency Lab
Mar 27, 2022
Martyna Miller
Mar 26, 2022
Didem Erbas
Mar 26, 2022
Yiou Penelope Peng
Mar 25, 2022
Erfan Ghiasi
Mar 25, 2022
Nikoleta Zampaki
Alberto Toscano: Towards a Realism of the Abstract
Kiymet Dastan: I Am Afraid To (Not) Forget / Oblivion Stones series (2019 ) Memory Burn 1- 9 (2020)
"Snuff Memories": A Reading and Panel Discussion on David Roden's New Book
Sami Khatib: “Sensuous Supra-Sensuous”: The Aesthetics of Real Abstraction
Eunsol Lee/Kimberly Lee: Construction of a Virtual World
Schizoautopoiesis: Cyclo-analysis (Variations 1,2,3) Written by Mehdi Rafi _Videos by Simin Azarpour
Borna Radnik: Who’s Afraid of Subjectivity?
Frankenstein and Philosophy: Sabeen Chaudhry, Borna Radnik, Corey McCall
Plastitrophy By Ash Coates
Veda Thozhur Kolleri: Rigor Mortis, Livor Mortis, Drawing Series
Narcissus as Narcosis- Jessie-Jamz Ozaeta / Lil Lonely
Noema: Conception of Form and Meaning in an Artificial Neural Network -Kaushik Varma
2041 by Felice Grodin & AdrienneRose Gionta
Gerard Carson: Petronics & Petrobio- presentation and Selection of Writings 2018-2016
Entangle for the Alien to Continue -Nadim Choufi
Identifying Drive System - Bochra Taboubi
Cyborgia Manifesto by Hallidonto
Between Zero and One - Stephanie Bailey
Erasion vs Effacement: Borders as Beings by Shaahin Koohsari
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