Borna Radnik: Can Logic Be Temporal? A Presentation on Hegel’s Logic and Time
February 23rd, 10 am Pacific Time
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Scholars readily accept that Hegel’s philosophy has a historicity in the sense that philosophy itself for Hegel cannot be divorced from its historical context. But there is less consensus as to whether or not Hegel’s logic, with its pure and abstract categories, are subject to temporal change and historical circumstances. What is the relation between logical time, natural time, and historical time in Hegel’s thought? This presentation attempts to tackle the relation between time and logic in Hegel’s philosophy by arguing that temporality is an ontological feature of Hegel’s conception of logic and constitutes his idea of freedom developed in the Science of Logic as the absolute idea that unifies the self-determining concept and objectivity.
On Radnik's Freedom, in Context:
G.W.F. Hegel was a radical and incisive thinker, whose ideas have shaped the face of political philosophy. With questions of political agency and free will as urgent as ever, this book reintroduces Hegel's ideas of freedom and the weight that it carries in the political, economic and social contexts of the 21st century.
Examining the concept of freedom from a Hegelian Marxist perspective, Freedom, in Context argues that the essential relation between self-determination and causal necessity is a multifaceted process to be viewed through historical, temporal, logical and ontological lenses. Using examples from the Black Lives Matter movement, environmental justice, economic inequality, and democratic uprisings in Iran, the value of Hegel's philosophy is emphasised in contexts beyond the colonial, Eurocentric tendencies of his worldview. Emphasising the central role of temporality and history in the conception of free will gives this new reading of Hegel real practical import for the pressing political issues of our time.
Borna Radnik has a Ph.D. from the Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy, at Kingston University London, UK. He has published with Radical Philosophy, Continental Thought and Theory, and Crisis and Critique.