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Enzo Cillo


Enzo Cillo is a new media artist interested in the mechanism of perception and the idea of the image as a set of shapes and distances. His research investigates the meaning of the space within the image. His works try to deconstruct the visible field, emptying it from its meaning. Moving forward he had the opportunity to rethink not only at the video itself but also at the moment when the projection is meant as the spatial extension of the image. His works are exhibited in various museums, participating also to international festivals such as the Transient Visions, ECRA, nodoCCS and Experiments in Cinema. He currently lives and works in Rome.


"Propagation and Detection" is a work on visual and sound perception, born from the collaboration with the Neapolitan composer Renato Grieco. The work aims at investigating, by dissecting an image, the space of an immaterial point, to detect what is hidden in the invisible field, inside the mechanical device, within the propagation of the wave. The visible, the image of the Parthenon, represents exactly a point, the concrete limit of a distance, which is perceived by the human eye; a recognizable sign that is transformed into something else, the material is transformed into an imprint. The work stems from a reflection on the concept of image space, between horizontal and vertical, between inside and outside.

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