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Joseph Dimos


My background is primarily in pure mathematics, but I studied epistemology and phenomenology for some time as well. I have worked with complex systems in the domain of medicine and developed some epidemic models that were used during the infancy of the COVID-19 outbreak. I have continued my studies in formal epistemology over the years, where I've been interested in understanding how scholarly works are deemed satisfactory for 'effective'. This required a formalization of different problems that are addressed when ranking how a particular work is most novel for a given subject. I have subsequently been automating various tasks with some private developmental work in the legal domain. This has proven to be consistent with the aim of previous where I've been working to implement a model for predicting decisions of cases.

Project Proposal:

The interest of my endeavours is with realising new methods for defining new concepts. The project would consist of a graphical model to define how reasoning evolves over time. A principal point of consideration is with how complex systems can denote a knowledge network. I intend on showing the relationship of complex knowledge graphs and scaling reasoning upon different context-sensitive domains. A theme throughout my endeavours was to emphasise how a single definition rooted in epistemology could describe a large array of complex problems. The key focus is with parametrising reasoning for domains that can be tokenised or 'labelled' when learning how emotion is defined in the context of music or other art forms. A primary focus of this project would be to illustrate the spectrum of emotional expression that is dependent on a dynamical systems (open systems) approach that coincides with applied category theory. The idea is to understand the depth of reasoning that is adaptive as objective or subjective to in turn relay an ontology about its underlying logic. My prior engagements in complex systems that fixated on open and closed systems in graph rewriting have strong applications in the tractability of reasoning and the generation of ontologies and concepts. Much of the previous work on the subject is attuned to the representation of concepts by compositional semantics models.

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