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Rodrigo Gutierrez

Master Thesis on psychophysiological effects of acoustic environments at Dolby GmbH Nuremberg, Germany. 2017-Present. MSc student in Digital Media Informatics. University of Bremen / HFK Bremen, Germany. Coursework included activity recognition from Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs), landmark navigation mobile app, Natural Language Processing (NLP) of diverse corpora and Tangible Embodied Interaction. 2017-1019. Student assistant at Spatial Cognition Center. Psychometrics, auditory display. University of Bremen, Germany. Past: 2015. Bachelor of Information Systems Engineering. UEES, Ecuador. 2002-2017. Academic Staff / Research / IT / Sound Production at, Ecuador. 2000-2017. Freelance: interactive media installations, video mapping and live coding performances for several events including symphony orchestra concerts, music festivals, TV presentations, and museum exhibitions. Produced corporate videos and music for several commercial and cultural projects. Research interests: At the intersection between computer science, electronics, neuroscience, biology, social science, and art, e.g., Human Centered Computing (HCC), ubiquitous computing, wearables, physiological interaction, machine learning.

The Stone and The Ripples

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