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Foreign Objekt presents a book reading and panel discussion for David Roden's newly published book, Snuff Memories (Schism Press: 2021), which took place on March 7th, 2021.


Panelists: David Roden, Amanda Beech, Martin Rosenberg,               

Romina Wainberg, Corey McCall, and Simon Sellars

In David Roden’s Snuff Memories, an ancient time-war ripples through a demon-haunted cosmos as its characters systematically expunge their humanity. Their ‘posthuman becoming’ pre-empts any possible ethics or sane politics. Instead, desire is weaponized from a bleak, inhuman future. Bodies replicate and unzip across the novella’s pornographic vignettes, remade in erotic rituals of mutation, death, and pain.


Simon Sellars

Simon Sellars is a writer and editor. His latest book is Applied Ballardianism: Memoir from a Parallel Universe (Urbanomic, 2018), described by The Guardian as “a brilliantly written genre mashup, a wonderfully original mix of cultural theory, literary exegesis, travelogue and psychopathological memoir.” He lives in Melbourne, Australia.

Simon Sellars' video presentation during the panel discussion
David Roden's video response from the panel discussion
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