Study Group with Ray Brassier | Final Repression & Reproduction, Presupposition and Struggle
Final Repression: Adorno and Marcuse on the Antinomy of Progress
December 4Th- 9 am PST
Webinar Link:
Reproduction,Presupposition and Struggle: Pierre Dardot and Christian Laval on Marx’s Two Logics
December 11Th - 9 am PST
Webinar Link:
Workshop: The Perspectivism of Platforms | Zé Antonio Magalhães, J.P. Caron, and Lukáš Likavčan
Session 2: Sat., Nov. 13, at 10 am PST
• Zé Antonio and guest Lukáš Likavčan
Users and interfaces: Animals and Spirits
Webinar Link:
Link to Readings:
Session 1: Sat., Nov. 6, at 10 am PST
• Zé Antonio and guest J-P Caron
Functional Abstraction and Differences of Visibility
Francesca Ferrando: Posthuman Existence - Interactive Workshop
Meeting 1: Saturday, July 3rd, 9am-11am (PST)
The Composite Landscape of the Posthuman (Contemporary Philosophy)
Meeting 2: Saturday, July 10th, 9am-11am (PST)
From the Anthropocene to Human Enhancement (Eco-Technology)
Meeting 3: Saturday, July 17th, 9am-11am (PST)
Ontological Radical Healing (Posthuman Ethics)
Study Group With Alberto Toscano
Dates: Saturday, April 17th & Saturday, April 24th, @ 9am PST
Study Session1:
Towards a Realism of the Abstract
Study Session2:
Real Abstraction and the Critique of Juridical Ideology
Zoom link to Study Group:
Link to all readings:
Study Group-4 With Sami Khatib
Saturday and Sunday, February 27-28, 9am Pacific Time
Link for both sessions:
ID: 836 0791 4214
Link to Readings:
“Sensuous Supra-Sensuous”: The Aesthetics of Real Abstraction
Study Group_3 with Ray Brassier:
Schedule, Reading List, and Proposal
Schedule for informal meetings
Topic: Study Group_3_Informal Meeting_1
Time: Nov 21, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 898 1205 6422
Topic: Study Group_3_Informal Meeting_2
Time: Nov 28, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 816 2486 8599
Schedule for Main Sessions
Session 1: Posthuman Pragmatism: Selecting Power
Time: Dec 5, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 883 7884 1530
Session 2: The Human: From Subversion to Compulsion
Time: Dec 12, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 891 3093 0630

Session 2: Dialectics, Materialism, and Contradiction
Saturday, October 10, @10am PST

--David Roden
Study Group-1 with: David Roden:
‘Speculative and Unbounded Posthumanism.’
Session 1: Disconnection and Unbounded Posthumanism
Saturday, September 5 @10am PST